Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah Gangu(1347-1358 AD)
He was the founder of Bahmani Kingdom his early name was Zafar khan. He migrated from Multan to Delhi in search of suitable employment.
He was a great military general, an able administrator, Hasan was a brave soldier and a good fighter and is said to have taken active part in several battles. He ascended the throne with the blessing of Shaik junaidi Rahmutuilha .
He divided his kingdom into four provinces for smooth administration.
He divided his kingdom into four provinces for smooth administration.
His ambition was to seat on the throne of Delhi. But his wise minister Malik Saifuddin Ghori opposed his project.
He managed to win these lands, Ahsanabad(Gulbarga), Akkalkot, Kalyani(Dar ul Aman) , Bidar(Mohammadabad), Mahendri, Sagar, Jamkhandi, Madhool, Telengana, Koheer, Goa, Dabol, Kolhar, Kolhapur, Mandu etc.
And it is noteworthy that he never show cruelty on any Tughlaq Amir or any other leader might be Hindu or Muslim. He returned almost all victorious lands as Jagirs and appointed many people at highest positions irrespective of religion, with this he get the sympathy of local people and manage to build a new kingdom.
He issued many gold and silver coins.
Ahsanabad(Gulbarga) was the mint centre of that time. His coins reads:
Ahsanabad(Gulbarga) was the mint centre of that time. His coins reads:
The great sultan " ```Alaudin duniya din
abu l muzafar bahman shah
the sultan".```
```_He was one of the first muslim kings who ordered that "NO JAZIAH SHOULD BE LEVIED FROM NON MUSLIMS" .._```
And he also eradicates tax on food grains and cattles.
abu l muzafar bahman shah
the sultan".```
```_He was one of the first muslim kings who ordered that "NO JAZIAH SHOULD BE LEVIED FROM NON MUSLIMS" .._```
And he also eradicates tax on food grains and cattles.
"He also built rest house at Mecca in 1354".
On his death bed he called his three sons and asked the younger two sons to obey Muhammad Shah I. And he gave some money and commodities to distribute among needy at Jamiya Masjid of Gulbarga, when they came back he said "Alhamdulillah" and breathed last in 1358.
Muhamad Shah I became the heir of Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah Gangu.
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