
بہمنی سلطنت اور فن تعمیر

بہمنی سلطانوں کو تعمیرات میں کافی دلچسپی تھی. علاء الدین حسن سے کلیم اللہ شاہ تک سبھی سلطانوں نے بھت شاندار عمارتیں تعمیر کروائی. گلبرگہ، بیدر اور دولت‌آباد تعمیری محور ت...

Art and architecture under Bahmani Kingdom

The Bahmani sultans were the  great patron of art and architecture. Since from Alauduin Hasan to Kalimullah shah all the sultans had built many magnificaint monuments. Gulbarga Bidar Dultabad were the chief architecture centres of the Bahmani kingdom.  We found indo sarsanic style of architecture. monuments are under protection of ASI( Archealogy survey of India )and State Archives . Here is the list of Bahmani monuments:- Some Famous monuments of Bahmani period at Gulbarga. Ahsanabad 1):-Fort of Gulbarga. 2):-jamia masjid at Gulbarga fort 3):-Tomb of Alauddin Hasan 4):-Tomb of muhammad shah 5) chand Minar at Dultabad 6)Sath Gumbad 7)FORT AT FEROZABAD 8)MOSQUE AT FEROZABAD FORT 9)mausoleum  of Hazrth khawja Banda nawaz 10 )tomb of Hazrth Shaik jundi 11) shoor Gumbad Some  famous monuments at Bidar ( Muhamadabad). 12) fort at Bidar 13)  Takhat mahal 14)solha khamba mosque 15)Bahmani Tomb At Astur 16)Rangeen Mahal and many other civil and mil...

Shihabuddin Mahmud (1482-1518 AD)

SHIHABUDDIN MAHMUMD (1482-1518 AD) The long reign of Shihbuddin Mahmud whom his father Muhammad shah had nominated as heir to the throne. The long reign of Shihabuddin Mahmud Shah Bahmani, which extended to more than a quarter of a century, was a period of gradual weakening of the state ending in the description of the splendid edifice which had been built up by the earlier Bahmani at Gulbarga and then by a series of capable ruler and ministers at Bidar Mahmud Shah was succeeded by four Kings, 1. Ahmed-IV (1518-1520 A.D), 2. Alauddin Shah (1520-1523 A.D), 3. Waliullah (1523-1526 A.D) and 4. Kalimullah (1526-1538 A.D) who were Kings only in name. The last King of the house of Bahmani Shah was Kalimullah  was the last ruler of kingdom  Bahmani dynasty came to an end, making way for the five independent Sultanates of the Deccan. 1.  BARID SHAHI  (BIDAR) 2. QUTUB SHAHI (GOLKUNDA) 3. AADIL SHAHI   (BIJAPUR) 4. IMAD  SHAHI ...

شہاب الدین محمود (1482-1518ء)

شہاب الدین محمود ( 1482 -1518ء) محمد شاہ سوم نے اپنے بیٹے شہاب الدین محمود کو اپنا جانشین مقرر کیا تھا. شہاب الدین محمود شاہ کا دور حکومت تقریباً ایک تہائی صدی تک رہا، جس میں سلطنت بہت ...

Mohammed Shah III (1463-1482 AD)

MOHAMMAD SHAH III (1463-1482 A.D)        After the death Nizam Shah Mohammad Shah became king in1463A.D. In the reign of Mohammad shah III.the bahmani kingdom reached to its zenith. The kingdom was divided into many provinces. THE WELL KNOWN RUSSIAN TRAVELLER NIKITIN SAYS THAT BIDAR WAS THE CHIEF OF THE WHOLE OF MAHOMDEN HINDUSTAN. "MAHMUD GAWAN"  (1466-1473 A.D) Khwajah Imaduddin Mahmud bin Jalaluddin Muhammad bin Khwajah Kamal Al-Gilani was born at Qawan, or in its more familiar form Gawan in the kingdom of Gilan on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea in 1411 A.D. He was a outstanding personality in the history of Bahmani kingdom.Bahmani kingdom reached to its zenith during his period. He was a great statesman, administrator, a great scholar he was great patron to education.the Madras at Bidar for the upleftment of education. MAHUMD GAWAN wrote the books Riyazul Insha and Minhajul Insha. Riyazul Insha is the collection of the le...

محمد شاہ سوم (1463-1482ء)

محمد شاہ سوم ( 1463-1482 ء) نظام شاہ کی وفات کے بعد محمد شاہ 1463ء میں سلطان بنا. محمد شاہ سوم کے دور حکومت میں بہمنی سلطنت اپنی اعلی ترین اونچائی پر پہنچ گئی تھی. سلطنت کو بہت سے صوبوں میں با...