
Showing posts from February, 2018

بہمنی سلطنت کی تشکیل

بہمنیوں نے گلبرگہ شریف کو اپنا دارالحکومت بنایا اور انہوں نے1347-1538ء حکومت کی. تمام بہمنی حکمرانوں نے ہر شعبے میں نمایاں کام کیا. علاء الدین حسن سے تاج الدین فیروز شاہ تک گلبرگہ ...

Establishment of Bahmani Kingdom

Bahmani were made gulbarga as their capital city.they ruled since 1347 to 1538 A.D. All the Bahmani rulers had given outstanding contributions in all the  fields. Since from Alaudin Hasan to Tajuddin Feroz shah Gulbarga was their capital. When Ahmed shah become the sultan of Bahmani he transferred his capital city from Gulbarga to Bidar. There were 18 rulers who ruled over Bahmani kingdom the name of the rulers are as follows.. Alaudin Hasan Bahman    (1347-1358 AD ) Muhammad Shah I             (1358-1375 AD ) Mujahid Shah                      (1375-1378 AD) Dawaud Shah                      (1378-1378 AD ) Muhammad Shah II           (1378-139...

The Rise of the new kingdom in Deccan

Sultan Mohammad bin Tughlaq started preparing for a decisive battle. Umad-ul-Mulk Sartiz and Malik Afghan was with him. Perhaps this was the time when Ismail  Shah sent on a order to Gulbarga that a part of the army should be sent to Dawlatabad. Under the leadership of Zafar Khan, 30, 000 soldiers including Afghan, Mughal, Rajput, and Deccani soldiers reached Dawlatabad, which strengthened Ismail  Shah. After reaching Dawlatabad, the Sultan attacked Ismail Shah. Zafar Khan, Husamamuddin and Nusrat Khan were  with Ismail Shah.  The Deccani Amirs decicded and found that Ismail Shah should hold Dawlatabad  as far as possible, and the rest of the leaders would go on their own province. On the other hand  Mohammad bin Tughluq   captured the Dawlatabad, which was left unprotected. Now he thought that all the lost things in the past few years had received him back, as he announced the release to   all  prisoners. After 2 months, the Sul...

دکن میں نئی سلطنت کا ظہور

سلطان محمد بن تغلق نے فیصلہ کن جنگ کی تیاری شروع کردی. عماد الملک سرتیز اور ملک افغان اس کے ساتھ ہوئے شاید یہی وہ وقت تھا جب اسماعیل شاہ نے گلبرگہ پیام بھیج کر یہ حکم دیا کہ دکن...

Myths and facts about Bahmani Empire Bahmani Kingdom (1347-1538 ), founded by Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah, He made Gulbarga as his capital. There is little known about this great empire on internet.. And that is the reason some people mislead historical facts about this empire and their rule. This is created to show how people mislead historical facts and what will be our responsibilities. There is a famous quotation "The Nation who forget their history, will be forgotten from history" We must stand and present correct history before the world. بہمنی سلطنت (1538-1347 )، علاؤالدین حسن بہمن شاہ کی طرف سے قائم کی گئی انہوں نے گلبرگہ ک...

Bahmani Kingdom

        Bahmani Empire ( 1347-1538 AD)                         (background) In the year 1327-28 AD, Sultan Mohammad bin Tughlaq the ruler of Tughlaq dynasty, decided that he would move his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad. The Sultan's decision was a put a great effect on the surrounding petty stataes. In this period, the Tughlaq Empire was surrounded by rebellions on every side, and it was also far away from Southern provinces it was time when whole  India was governed by the same ruler. And Delhi was very far from the South India as the Capital, the market of the rebel days was hot. It was decided to keep the brawl of these rebellions and grip on the whole of India. On the orders of the Sultan, honorable people, officials and families of Delhi were ordered to migrate to the new capital Daulatabad in South. In the first few years, t...

بہمنی سلطنت

              بہمنی سلطنت (1347-1538ء)                           (پس منظر) سن 1327-28 عیسوی میں تغلق بادشاہ  سلطان محمد بن تغلق نے فیصلہ کیا کہ وہ اپنا پایہ تخت دہلی سے دولت آباد منتقل کریں گ...