Establishment of Bahmani Kingdom

Bahmani were made gulbarga as their capital city.they ruled since 1347 to 1538 A.D.
All the Bahmani rulers had given outstanding contributions in all the  fields. Since from Alaudin Hasan to Tajuddin Feroz shah Gulbarga was their capital.
When Ahmed shah become the sultan of Bahmani he transferred his capital city from Gulbarga to Bidar.
There were 18 rulers who ruled over Bahmani kingdom the name of the rulers are as follows..

Alaudin Hasan Bahman    (1347-1358 AD)
Muhammad Shah I             (1358-1375 AD)
Mujahid Shah                      (1375-1378 AD)
Dawaud Shah                      (1378-1378 AD)
Muhammad Shah II           (1378-1397 AD)
Giyasiuddin Shah               (1397-1397 AD)
Shamsuddin Shah              (1397-1397 AD)
Tajuddin Feroz Shah          (1397-1422 AD)
Shihabudin Ahmed Shah I(1422-1436 AD)
Alaudin Ahmed II                (1436-1458 AD)
Alaudin Humayun Shah    (1458-1461 AD)
Nizamudin Ahmed ShahIII(1461-1463AD)
Shamshudin Mahmud
Shah III                                 (1463-1482 AD)
Shihabuddin Mahmud       (1482-1518 AD)
Ahmed Shah IV                   (1518-1520 AD)
Alauddin Shah                     (1520-1523 AD)
Waliyullah Shah                  (1523-1526 AD)
Kalimullah                           (1526-1538 AD)


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