Alauddin Mujahid Shah (1375-1378 AD)

Mohammed I was succeeded by his son Alauddin Mujahid, he ascended the throne in 1375 at the age of 19 years only.
When he ascended the throne, "Shaikh Sirajuddin Junaidi sent his own shirt and turban which he wore on the occasion, thus ensuring the support of the Muslim divines of his day".
The new king was fully instructed in all the arts of peace and war, and in addition to his excellent command of the Turki and Persian languages, he was also efficient as a soldier being a good swordsman and archer and an adept in riding.
Mujahid spent his short period of rulership against war with Vijaynagar. He fought bravely but failed to capture Vijaynagar, as the Raya of Vijaynagar had huge army more than Bahmanis.
When he was returning from the campaign, he was  killed by Dawud Khan in 1378 AD.


             Dawud Shah
              (1378 AD)
After murder of Mujahid, Dawud proclaimed as King of Deccan.
The capital itself was full of rumors and conflicts. There were two factions at work one in favor of Dawud and other led by a stalwart woman, Mujahid's sister Ruh Parwar Agha, which wanted to place Bahman Shah's youngest son Muhammad on the throne.
Any how it was not long after Dawud's accession that an opportunity was offered to avenge Mujahid's death. Mujahid's royal slave Bakah killed Dawud in the Jamia Masjid of Gulbarga fort in 1378 AD. And his rulership of hardly one and half months come to an end.


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