Tajuddin Feroz Shah Bahmani (1397-1422 AD)

Firoz  shah Bahmani ascended the throne on 1397 A.D.He was great  warrior,administrator
in the history of deccan ,he also patron to literature, art and architecture.
He ascended the throne after Ghiaythuddin shah.
according to historical  record he was the son in law of Muhammad shah II.
Political aspects :-
   after ascending the throne he appointed mir fazuulha as the prime minster.after some time later he saw a age of struggle  and conflicts with Vijayanagar empire.
There was a two historical battle was fought between Feroz shah Bahmani and Devarya I.1407 A.D,1408 A.D
as a patron of literature: as a king he had good administrative quality as well as keen interested in learning also.he was well versed in all subjects  Quranic ,natural science,philosophy. He also invited many learned poets, story tellers to make Deccan as their home.
As a patron of art and architecture :
regarding the architecture of feroz shah period was outstanding he made the new capital that ferozabad 22 km far away from Gulbarga. due to local language influence the city known to be as ( sharjabad)  acvording to historian this city a same place how the fathepurskiri of akbar known in hisyory .ferozabad was the third capital city of Bahmani period. he constructed at  fort, mosques, citadel, and harem etc.
but due to many invasions and wars between Bahamani and vijaynagar the monuments not as its good conditions.
local people used these fort  as agriculture land.
the sath gumbad,(hafthgumbad  ) ,kanchani Mahal were the great contribution towards the architecture of Deccan.
his period was a glorious period in all the field ....


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